Hello! My name is Lauren John. I am a Native American artist from the Chickasaw Nation and I am a storyteller. It's my passion and dream to create stories and art for all peoples to enjoy, so that's why I'm studying at SCAD! 
I am an Animation major with a concentration in Story and Concept Development and a minor in Sequential Art. It's my hope that one day I'll be able to create a story that represents me and my culture for a wide audience to see!
My tribe, our culture, and our stories are a major part of who I am, and that's why I illustrate our stories so that hopefully more people will learn about and appreciate what we have to share.
Currently, I am working on illustrating our traditional stories for our Rosetta Stone language program, but if you have any questions or interest in working with me in the future, don't hesitate to get in contact with me!
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